The Implied Law of Habitability

Written by dan the roommate man

Continued from page 1

According to Rental Housing On Line, one court noted that "inrepparttar case ofrepparttar 110478 modern apartment dweller,repparttar 110479 value ofrepparttar 110480 lease is that it gives him a place to live. The city dweller who seeks to lease an apartment onrepparttar 110481 third floor of a tenement has little interest inrepparttar 110482 land 30 or 40 feet below, or even inrepparttar 110483 bare right to possession withinrepparttar 110484 four walls of his apartment. When American city dwellers, both rich and poor, seek 'shelter' today, they seek a well known package of goods and services. A bundle which includes not merely walls and ceilings, but also adequate heat, light and ventilation, serviceable plumbing facilities, secure windows and doors, proper sanitation, and proper maintenance." All these things are accounted for inrepparttar 110485 implied law of habitability - your inalienable right as a tenant.

If you feel your habitability right is being violated, you should contact your local tenants union. You may wish to deal with problems directly by speaking withrepparttar 110486 Building Inspection Department of your city for structural concerns, andrepparttar 110487 county health department or city code enforcement officer for health concerns.

Since 1989 dan the roommate man has helped 1000's of people find rooms,apartments or roommates. Need help? Contact him at 800-487-8050 or

Apartment Searches: Lose the Rose-Colored Glasses First

Written by dan the roommate man

Continued from page 1

Rent and fees:

1. What isrepparttar monthly rent? 2. Is a security deposit required? If so, how much is it, and under what conditions is it held? 3. Doesrepparttar 110477 landlord require payment of last month's rent in advance? 4. Do you pay extra (and if so, how much?) for utilities, storage space, air conditioning, parking space, late payment of rent, etc.? 5. Doesrepparttar 110478 lease indicate thatrepparttar 110479 rent can be increased if real estate taxes are raised,repparttar 110480 prices for sewer and water assessments are increased, or for any other reason?

Facilities and services:

1. Assessrepparttar 110481 maintenance services: Is there a resident superintendent? Are maintenance hours restricted? How is emergency service handled? 2. How is trash disposal handled? Are facilities accessible? Is recycling available? 3. Laundry facilities? How many available? Security? 4. Building lobby: Is it clean and well-lit? Security? 5. Entrance and exit: elevator? Are stairs well-lit? Fire exits? 6. Hallways: Clean and well-lit?

Rental unit conditions:

1. Are there signs of insects present? 2. Bathrooms: clean? Plumbing in good working order? Tiles sound? 3. Kitchen: Is sink in good working order: Stove? Refrigerator? 4. Air conditioning: good working order? 5. Wiring: Are there enough electrical outlets? Isrepparttar 110482 wiring sound? 6. Doesrepparttar 110483 heating system seem to be in good working order? 7. Is there a fireplace? Check to see that it is clean and operates well. 8. Windows? Are any broken? Do they all open? Storm windows? Screens? Locks? 9. Floors: Are they clean? 10. Ceilings: Are they clean? Cracked? Water-stained? 11. Walls: Are they clean? Isrepparttar 110484 plaster cracked? Paint peeling? 12. Telephone: outlets present? Convenient? 13. Is ventilation adequate? Is there an exhaust fan in kitchen? 14. Lighting: Is it adequate? Are fixtures in good working order? 15. Security: Doesrepparttar 110485 door have a dead-bolt lock? A security chain? 16. Storage space: Is it adequate? Kitchen and bathroom cabinets? 17. What isrepparttar 110486 noise level inrepparttar 110487 area aroundrepparttar 110488 rental unit? Traffic? Neighbors?

Source: The University of Massachusetts Commuter Services and Housing Resource Center

Throughout all of my apartment searches,repparttar 110489 best lesson I learned came from a leasing agent who told me upon my first visit to his complex that "If you told me you were ready to sign a contract today, I'd advise you not to. Look around. Come back at night, and see who your neighbors are going to be. A complex at night is very different from a complex duringrepparttar 110490 day." I've come to realize that's sound advice. Don't sign right away. Don't be scared into thinking that apartment won't be available tomorrow. Mull it over, do your homework, and getrepparttar 110491 answers you need before signing onrepparttar 110492 dotted line.

Since 1989 dan the roommate man has helped 1000's of people find roommates. Need help? Contact him at 800-487-8050 or

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